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Create new documents

How to create and delete new documents

Stefan Philipp avatar
Written by Stefan Philipp
Updated this week

Documents in Operations1 can be, for example, work instructions, maintenance checklists, safety instructions, packaging instructions, maintenance instructions, run cards or inspection records. With Operations1, all these classic types of industrial documentation can be easily mapped. So the hours spent in Word, Excel and PowerPoint and the piles of paper produced are a thing of the past.

Create new documents

To create a new document, click the new document button under documents. A window opens for entering the metadata.

Create new document

Required fields: title and language

Enter the name of the document in the title. The title should be concise, precise and meaningful. It can be freely searched later.

Select the language of the document. By default, the language you are currently logged in with is set. The selection serves as the initial language for document creation. You can add more languages later at any time.

Metainformation new document

More meta information

For the classification you can choose between none, public, internal, confidential and strictly confidential. This classification is for clarity and is currently not linked to an authorization structure.

With the field valid until you can enter on which day a document loses its validity. This is only an information field to delimit documents in time. Documents are not locked after the end of the validity period. In the document overview, you can add validity by showing additional columns. This allows you to filter for documents that need revision, for example.


If you have stored tags in Operations1, you can link them to the document. To do this, simply select one or more tags.

The fields create report automatically and make visible to others are selected initially. If you do not want the report to be created automatically or if you do not want the document to be visible to others, uncheck the respective boxes.

You can use the notes to enter more information about the document, if necessary, to describe the document in more detail.

QR codes

Using the add QR-Code button, you can select existing QR-codes via the search or create a new QR-code by selecting the create new checkmark. Enter a string and klick add. The software will automatically create a new CQ-code. This can be downloaded via the download button or removed again via the cross. By scanning the QR-code, the document will open automatically later.

Add qr-code in documents

Structure classes

Via edit classifiers you select the assignment of structure classes for your document. The classifier bar opens on the side. Select the classifiers by clicking on the boxes. Click the blue check mark in the box again to cancel the assignment.

Structure classes


After you have entered the meta information, click the save button and your new document will open. Then start building your document and filling it with interactions and content.

Delete documents

Delete shared documents

To delete shared documents, you must first archive them in the overview table of your documents using the action menu. The document is then located in the recycle bin. There you can restore the document or move it to the archive.

Delete new documents

On the other hand, if the status of the document is new or draft, it can be discarded directly. An additional window appears indicating that the draft will be irrevocably deleted.

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