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Interaction: External Request

How to use request interaction to get data from external sources, send data to external systems or trigger automatizations

Stefan Philipp avatar
Written by Stefan Philipp
Updated over a week ago

With Operations1 request interaction, you can easily connect systems for workflow and information exchange. Data exchange takes place optionally via the browser or the Operations1 server to enable communication with internal or external systems.

Data is exchanged via a web service (HTTP(S)-protocoll) that enables communication between the systems. By integrating external requests, you save valuable time when creating your reports, as you can automatically query and send data or trigger automations via a URL/URI. This allows you to implement simple integrations quickly and easily.

Use cases for external requests

You can easily insert your own web services into your documents such as checklists, work instructions or maintenance documentation via the request interaction. This allows you, for example, to access a machine in your company network and query and transfer data. For machine maintenance, for example, this could be the automated reading of various sensors. You can also use external requests for automatizations. For example, you can set up fault reports so that a request can be executed at the end that takes the data from the report and uses it to create a new task in Operations1, for example.

There are numerous possibilities and use cases for which you can efficiently use external requests. Please feel free to contact us anytime via the blue messenger icon in the window at the bottom right if you have any questions or need support with the integration of an external request.

Insert request interaction into documents

Insert the external request interaction into a step of your document. Enter a description and the link of your web service for the external request. Then select the request mode.

There are two choices for the request mode. The difference is whether the data for the request interaction should be sent via your device or the Operations1 cloud. For example, if your IT infrastructure or IT security does not allow you to send data from your device, select the request mode via the Operations1 cloud. However, if resources can only be accessed via the intranet, they select their device for the request.

Create an external request

Example for a request: 

Execute request interaction in reports

When you start a document, you can execute the request interaction via the request information button when creating the report. This triggers the external request. The response of the external request is displayed and automatically included in the report.

Request information in the assistant
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