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Interaction: Signature

How to assign signature interaction to users or roles to couple report completion with n-eye principle

Stefan Philipp avatar
Written by Stefan Philipp
Updated over a week ago

With the new signature interaction, you can set during document edit, who should be authorized to sign reports during signature interaction. To do this, select a group of people, such as group or department managers, or individual users. This ensures, that signatures in your reports are only made by the authorized person. In addition, you can ensure the n-eye principle for control.

Signature Interaction configuration for roles and individual users

Insert the signature interaction into your document. Click the arrow to open the interaction to make further settings. If only a selected person is to be authorized for acceptance, select sign by users. You can enter and select a user via the search field.

Sign by user

Use the sign by role option, if a defined group of people should be authorized to sign the report. You can enter and select a role via the search field. All users who belong to this role, are eligible for signature.

When assigning roles, please note that they may already be predefined for you, depending on the license package. If you need additional roles or would like to change their names, please contact your Success Manager.

Sign by role

Signature in the Report

If you are authorized to use the digital signature, you can sign in the reports using the digital signature button.

signature assistant

If you are not authorized for the signature, you can request the signature. To do this, click the request signature button.

If you have enabled tasks as a feature in your configuration, this will automatically create a task for the authorized user or role and the users will receive a notification in the software. By clicking on the new task, the user gets an overview of the task and can click directly into the report to sign it. Once the signature is done, the task is automatically marked as completed.

Tasks with signature
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