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Use different interactions in documents
Use different interactions in documents

Learn which interactions are available in Operations1 and how to use them

Stefan Philipp avatar
Written by Stefan Philipp
Updated over a week ago

Unlike paper-based documents, our software offers the possibility of dynamic return of various values and contents as well as the direct evaluation possibility of these via interactions. In the following, you will learn which interactions are available to you, how to insert them into a document and how to use them. At the end of the article, you will find further links when it comes to evaluating interactions.

Inserting new interactions

To insert a new interaction into a document, you must be in the edit mode. Once you have started this, a button with interaction icons will appear in the upper right corner of the creator, which you can use to insert interactions. Click the desired interaction to insert it at the end of the selected process step.

Inserting new interactions

Basic configuration options of the interactions

For almost all interactions, four basic configurations can be specified via the corresponding checkboxes in the respective interaction. You can thus decide whether the interaction

  • represents a mandatory statement in the report

  • whether an explanation as text or a media return is allowed, and

  • whether the interaction can be N/A (not applicable) for a specific case.

  • Furthermore, it is possible to define, when the return via an interaction should be considered as failed. For example, when "IO" or "NOK" or N/A, if applicable, has been selected for a specific interaction.

Display during document edit:

Display in the editor

​Display when executing the report:

display in the assistant

Overview and purpose of the interactions

There are currently 14 different interaction types available. Below you will find a list and short description of them.


The confirmation is one of the central interactions and offers the possibility to give a short feedback about the state or the status of an issue. IO stands for okay and NOK for not okay.


If a simple confirmation for e.g. the execution of an activity or the control of a state via a measurement is to take place, a checkbox can be used. The user only has the option to check or uncheck the box.

Number feedback

The number feedback is a very powerful interaction and offers a wide application potential. The core functionality lies in the return of simple numerical values, such as a quantity in the incoming goods inspection. Special added value can be achieved by using it as a target/actual comparison with the definition of tolerance limits. If these are exceeded or fallen short of accordingly, the report can be evaluated as faulty.

Text feedback

The text return is suitable for entering individual words, short sentences or number/letter combinations (e.g. serial/article numbers). In addition to manual input, barcodes or QR codes can also be read via a scan with the device camera. The text return plays an important role for the evaluation in the reports via interaction tags or by searching for interaction values.

Free text field

Here you have the option to formulate a question or instruction, that can be answered later in a free text field. Unlike the text return, this field is designed for longer, multi-line (prose) texts or descriptions. Line breaks can be inserted and there is no restriction on the number of characters.


With the help of this interaction you can create a choice list with all possible answer options. Furthermore, you can specify whether the question is a multiple- or a single-choice question. A possible use case could be the recording of error patterns.


With the description interaction you highlight notes or description texts, for example to include information, add customer-specific notes for users or add explanations for processes. For descriptions, you can select a color, set the font size, and select pictograms.

Image, video, PDF, or image or video

The interactions image, video, PDF or image or video are used for the visual documentation of states or processes. A media file can be recorded or uploaded from the memory in the same way as the comment option.


The signature can be used if a digitally drawn signature is required. The signature can be easily drawn on the tablet.


With this interaction, you can include any links to web and intranet pages or documents on your SharePoint. The condition is that the browser can process and display this link. A description can always be added to a link. This allows you, for example, to link locally stored files via file://.

The way these files are opened depends heavily on your device and your company's software policies. We support the descriptions file://, cadfile:// and customapp://. For example, to access non-web pages in Google Chrome, an add-on for the browser is required. For other apps, registration in the URI scheme. Please contact your system administrator if you have any further questions.

External request

You can use an external request, e.g. to automatically read out and transfer a sensor value. Contact us, if you need support with the integration of an external request. Example of a request:


This function allows you to add any number of materials to a process step. Materials behave like media and can be managed via local or global storage.

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