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Interaction: Number feedback

Simply document measured values ​​with the number feedback interaction and evaluate them in relation to tolerance limits

Stefan Philipp avatar
Written by Stefan Philipp
Updated over a week ago

With the interaction number feedback, values ​​from measurement processes can be recorded easily. In the same step these are compared with the target value and its defined tolerance limits. The tolerance is determined by selecting one of the four tolerance types – exact, relative, percentage or absolute – and the respective values.

Create a number feedback

First click on the interaction button on the right side above the process steps and then select the interaction type Number Feedback.

Create a number feedback

Nominal value, unit and accuracy

Set the nominal value first. It is also possible, to determine whether the associated target value can be seen, when the actual value is asked or whether it remains hidden for the user. Additionally, you can define the required precision for the requested value.

Nominal value, unit and accuracy

Select tolerances

There are four options, on which tolerance type you can measure your number against. The following four options are available:

  • Exact - no tolerances: The actual value should match the target value without deviation.

  • Relative tolerances: The tolerance limits are set in relation to the target value.

  • Relative percentage tolerances: Definition of the permissible deviation up/down in percent.

  • Absolute tolerances: Definition of the permissible maximum and minimum values.

Select tolerances

Important: If you want to have NO Tolerances at all, choose the absolute tolerance and leave the tolerance fields free. This makes sense for a simple measurement, where you just want to make sure, that only numerical values are entered by the user.

Set tolerances visibly

In addition, this interaction can be used to define whether the entered tolerance values ​​are visible to the subsequent user and whether error messages occur in the report if the upper or lower tolerance limit is exceeded or undershot. For this, you must activate the fields visible. If you activate the fields failed if more or failed if less, the report is considered faulty if the upper or lower tolerance limit is exceeded or not reached.

Set tolerances visibly

The number feedback in the Report

View with visible target value and tolerance limits

The tolerance limits are marked red, if the entered value is above or below the tolerance limits and a warning message appears.

Above upper limit

The tolerance limits are marked green, if the entered value is within the tolerance limits.

Target limit is ok

View without visibility of target value and tolerance limits

View without visibility of target value and tolerance limits
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