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Create and use modules

How you can quickly and easily nest different documents together by inserting them as a module

Operations1 Support avatar
Written by Operations1 Support
Updated over a week ago

The added value of modules

  • Reduction of the effort required to create identical contents through multiple usage of a (partial) document in other documents

  • Mapping of variants and configurations by combining different modules on complex manufacturing and process levels

  • Mass changes of documents by passing on adaptations in a module to any documents that uses this module

  • Usage of any other document as a template using "Unboxing"

Use modular documents

You can also insert other documents into your existing document at the step level. The inserted documents are then called modules. In this process we also speak of nesting or modularization of documents.

Basically the following applies:

  • Every document can always be a module.

  • Modules can be inserted into each document.

  • There are no hierarchical levels at first. These are only created by "nesting".

Use the instert module function to insert an entire document as a so-called module analogous to a new step.

Add a module

Note that a document needs to be published before it can be inserted (not necessarily visible).

It is generally recommended to create individual, usually smaller documents that you can then use as modules in other documents as in the modular principle. Since each document can always be used as a module at the same time, the document itself becomes a module carrier as soon as other modules are inserted.

Once you have opened a document, you can see in the sidebar whether modules have been inserted, and if so, where. In this view, you can also set whether it should always be used in the latest version or in the currently existing version (fixed version). By default, the latest version is used, which means that changes in the module itself are propagated through the hierarchy levels. If you do not want this, you can fix the current version by clicking on it.

Newest version

Modular tree in the meta information

When editing you can display how the document is linked via the modules in the header data of the document under modules. Here, you will find on the one hand the modular tree, which displays all modules used in this document. Besides the modules on the first level, all further hierarchy levels are displayed in this tree.

In the modules section you will find a tabular overview of the modules used in the document and their current version. By clicking on individual modules, you can open them directly.

In addition, in the usage tab, you will find in which documents the current document itself is used as a module.

Modular tree

Unboxing of modules

Inserted modules (i.e. nested documents) can be de-nested - we call this unboxing. In this case, the steps of a module are inserted into the document without the module bracket. This makes it possible to edit the steps individually. The embedded module is completely transferred into the document. There is then no longer a link to the module. This allows you, to insert documents in the form of modules as templates in other documents.

unbox a module

Application example

Specific variant mapping through multiple nested documents

Level 1: entire document

Level 2: components

Level 3: partial components

Level 4: generic building blocks of partial components

Level 5: ...

Depending on the level on which the products, components, partial components or also processes differ, the module structure can be resolved by unboxing and adapted variant specifically.

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