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Best Practice: Serial tracking & seamless data-traceability
Best Practice: Serial tracking & seamless data-traceability

Best practice: Using the traceability of interaction value inputs with Operations1 to strengthen efficiency, quality and compliance.

Christopher Nüßlein avatar
Written by Christopher Nüßlein
Updated over a week ago

The traceability of data is essential for smooth operations - and therefore also for all users of Operations1. This article is intended for all users and roles within your Operations1 instance.

The aim of this article is to show you how you can adapt your documents with little effort in order to optimally use our functions for improved traceability. You will also learn about the options for retrieving and displaying information, evaluating it and the resulting benefits.

Table of contents

  • Insufficient traceability endangers quality and compliance

  • Use Operations1 effectively for data traceability

  • Retrieve and display recorded data in Operations1

  • Data traceability as a lever for efficiency, quality and compliance

Insufficient traceability endangers quality and compliance

In your everyday industrial life, you are familiar with the daily challenges surrounding the topic of traceability. Tracking serial numbers and the traceability of supplier batches lead to time-consuming search processes. At the same time, ensuring audit security through precise logging is essential. Complete traceability is crucial for compliance, passing audits and efficient quality assurance. A lack of clear tracking mechanisms leads to difficulties in determining detailed information in a resource-efficient manner.

Use Operations1 effectively for data traceability

How is the topic implemented in Operations1? The integration of seamless data traceability in Operations1 can be implemented with little effort. Users have 2 functions in particular at their disposal here:

"Interaction values" search

The "Interaction values" search allows you to quickly find reports in which a specific character string has been entered in an interaction. This function is automatically available to you as standard without any additional effort or preparation time.

Interaction tags

Tagging interactions helps you to record, track and evaluate data points across your operations1 platform in a structured manner. This minimizes non-value-adding activities and lays the foundation for systematic recording, analysis and improvement of your processes.

For using interaction tags, please note the following when creating documents:

  • Interaction tags can only be attached to interactions.

  • Attach one or more tags to the required interactions.

  • You have not yet created a suitable interaction tag? Simply do this directly within the document creation process.

  • Interaction tags can also be managed and created by admin users in the "System settings", depending on the platform configuration.

    Creating an interaction tag within document creation.

    Creating an interaction tag within system settings.

Tip: Create a clear nomenclature for the creation of interaction tags! The number of interaction tags can increase over time. To maintain a clear overview, it is recommended to establish naming conventions. A tried and tested scheme for naming interaction tags for serial number tracking is provided as an example:

S/N_[material number] or SN_[material number]

Retrieve and display recorded data in Operations1

Now that the preparations for the platform have been completed, the retrieval and display of the data points to be recorded by the user are explained in more detail:

Using the "interaction values" search

This powerful search function is available to you under Reports within the filter functions. Simply enter at least three characters in the "Interaction values" field and the search for reports in which this character string was used will start immediately. No specific search syntax needs to be used.

Access and function of the "interaction values" search.

Retrieval and display of returned interaction values through tagged interactions

The interaction values recorded by the users are displayed within the reports. It is possible to add additional columns for interaction tags here. This customization makes the entries visible in the user interface and therefore easy for the user to search through.

Adding additional columns to user interface.

In the "Analytics" area, the entries within the tagged interaction can also be tracked and analyzed in more detail. Here you have the option of applying simple arithmetic operations to the respective interaction, such as determining the minimum, maximum, average, median or even displaying a range of data points. Beside this, it is becoming increasingly common practice to export the collected data to third-party systems such as databases and BI dashboards in order to enable targeted detailed analyses.

Detailed analysis possibilities for tagged Interactions in Analytics.

Good to know: Interaction tags can be added to or removed from an interaction at any time! This means that the input values within this interaction can also be evaluated retrospectively for reports that have already been completed.

Data traceability as a lever for efficiency, quality and compliance

In Operations1, data traceability becomes a reality according to the principle "Find instead of search". What particularly impresses our customers: results are available to all users in a structured form in a matter of seconds and provide great added value.

There are 2 options available to you:

  • The "interaction values" search as a powerful standard tool

    • Results are presented to you in a matter of seconds.

    • This search function works independently of special search syntax.

  • Enhanced functionalities through using interaction tags

    • Improve and streamline your processes by reducing the effort required to search for information, thereby cutting costs.

    • Ensure compliance, process security and transparency towards customers and auditors.

    • Create ad-hoc error evaluations and leverage efficiencies.

These methods for seamless data traceability are versatile and can be used in all areas of your day-to-day business - be it in incoming goods, pre-assembly, final assembly, commissioning, quality control, research work or the processing of customer inquiries and complaints. Increase your efficiency today and reduce the effort involved in "finding instead of searching" for detailed information with the help of your Operations1 checklists.

If you have any questions about the content, please contact our service and support team or your personal Customer Success Manager.

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