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Report overview and creation
Report overview and creation

How to work with reports on the shop floor and create reports automatically or manually

Stefan Philipp avatar
Written by Stefan Philipp
Updated yesterday


Overview table of all created reports

Under the menu item 'Reports' you will find an overview of all created reports. You can use the tabs at the top of the overview to switch between active and archived reports. You can also search for reports or use the filter options to narrow down the report view.

Customize columns

In the main view you can use the button at the bottom left to customize the columns to add or remove more information.

Report ID

A report always has a unique ID, in the editor you can find it in the overview table. If the column is not displayed, you can use customize columns to add the ID column.

Report ID


In the column headers you can sort. With a click on the heading of a column an arrow appears, which shows the sorting order (ascending or descending). With another click you reverse the sort order. Clicking again reverses the sort order.


Page overview

At the bottom right you will find a display of how many reports were found with your selection criteria and on how many pages the results spanned. Here you can quickly jump between pages.

Page overview

Open reports

You can open a report by clicking on the row of the report in the overview. Alternatively, you can use the action to click on the three dots and then go to Details.

Archive reports

Click on the three dots in a report via the action and then on archive. Only reports that have not been started and completed can be archived.

Archive reports

Working with Reports

Automatic report creation

If automatic report creation is activated in the meta information of a document, a report is automatically created when a document is started as a report.

Creating a report manually

You can recognize a document for which a report is not automatically created by

  • Missing report ID next to the document title or in the meta information. Instead, there stands no report.

  • The finalize option at the end of a document is not available.

Create a report manually

If the option create report automatically is disabled in the document, you can still create a report manually. To do this, go to the settings menu in the upper right corner and select create report. You will immediately get a report ID next to the document title and a report will be created.

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