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Reopen reports

Why reports are reopened and how it is used

Mehmet Atik avatar
Written by Mehmet Atik
Updated yesterday

Reports are used to document activities along your value chain. After the successful completion of the activity, the report is also closed in Operations1. To ensure that there are no unwanted subsequent changes to this important activity record, it is not possible by design to change reports afterwards.

Why a report is reopened

However, it can happen that something is overlooked in the execution of the report, additional information is available that should be entered, or errors occurred in the entry of information. The report is therefore incorrect.

In such cases, it is helpful - even necessary - to reopen the report to make the necessary adjustments.

How to reopen a report

To reopen a report, first click on the desired report in the "Reports" area. There are three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the screen. Click on them and select "Reopen".

A note is required for reopening, as this is an intervention in the chain of custody. Specify the reason for the reopening.

Later, the annotation can be used to track who reopened a report, when, and for what reason. The system thus fulfills full transparency and proofs cannot be unintentionally changed or manipulated unseen.

The report can then be corrected, supplemented or generally edited. In this case, the interaction history functions as usual and makes changes additionally traceabl

The new report now also contains the updated information.
The report is marked with "Revision" in the history. In addition, the "History" section now contains the time stamp and the person who made the changes.

With the "Reopen Reports" function, we avoid the tedious re-execution of an entire report if there were errors or missing information in it.

​Important Note:

Please note that reopening reports from completed orders does not affect their status (order status). It will remain as "completed".

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