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Automated report download

Download .pdf, .csv and .xlsx reports automatically using the Public API

Stefan Philipp avatar
Written by Stefan Philipp
Updated over a week ago

To make reports accessible to your employees outside of Operations1, you can download them as .pdf, .csv or .xlsx files. When opening a CSV file in Microsoft Excel, please make sure that you open it via the "Data" section and the "From Text/CSV" button within it. In addition to a manual download via the user, the download of all data types can also be automated via the interfaces.


Automation for storage on a local storage or in a DMS or ERP system can be realized by using the Public API. This is controlled via a script and usually a time-based trigger to download all completed reports (e.g. restricted to certain structure class elements) since the last download.

If you are interested in an implementation, please contact our Service & Support Team. In most cases, the involvement of our experts and your IT is necessary.

In our Developer Portal you will find documentation and information about our interfaces.

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