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Export reports in different format with company logo
Export reports in different format with company logo

How you can export reports in different formats and upload your company logo for PDF reports

Stefan Philipp avatar
Written by Stefan Philipp
Updated yesterday

Export reports

You can easily export completed reports to CSV, XLSX and PDF formats. To do this, go to the reports section and open a completed report. Now you can export the report to different formats using the three dots. When opening a CSV-file in Microsoft Excel, please make sure that you open it via the "Data" section and the "From Text/CSV" button within it.

export reports

Individual and general reports

Select the report type depending on the use case:

  • individual report: report with selected steps. To use them, they must be selected when creating the document in the process steps via the checkbox individual report.

Individual report
  • general report: entire report

The file created in this way is downloaded and can then be opened e.g. in Excel, without any formatting problems.

PDF reports* (deprecated)

This PDF report is outdated and will be discontinued in the course of the year 2025. Please use the new PDF report from now on!

If you want to export a report as PDF, you can select which information should appear in the report.

  • Report compact: Outputs a compact report, with general report information.

  • Report modified: Use the checkboxes, to select what information you want in the report.

  • Individual report: Report with selected steps. To use them, they must be previously selected when creating the document.

Create pdf report

In addition, you can specify the language of the basic PDF report structure. When you click create, the created report appears in the list and can be downloaded using the download button.

Edit a PDF afterwards

We strive to offer our software as cost-effective as possible while providing the greatest possible benefit. Therefore, it is part of our strategy to use third-party products, including font licenses, only if they are necessary for the functionality and offer added value.
We use Noto Sans which can be used royalty free. In case you need to edit a PDF created from the system afterwards, you are welcome to install the font we use on your system.

Upload company logo for PDF reports

Go to system settings and then to PDF report. Now you can include your desired company logo. To do this, select an image file and then click on the upload button.

Upload logo for PDF report

After that, all PDF reports will be output with the selected logo. You can also enter your company address in the display show address in PDF report.

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