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Create and manage orders

How to create new orders, assign and schedule them and attach corresponding documents

Stefan Philipp avatar
Written by Stefan Philipp
Updated over a week ago

Create orders

In the orders area you will get an overview of all existing orders. To create a new order, click on the new order button.

The following is an overview of the individual fields that must or can be filled with content when creating an order.

Mandatory fields of orders

  • Title

    Each order must be provided with a title. The title can be concise, precise and meaningful. It can be freely searched later in the overview.

  • Time schedule

    It is also necessary to define a time schedule, which specifies when the order is due and when it is overdue. The order can still be processed after this time.

  • Add documents

    Furthermore, at least one document must be added to an order. The order in which you add documents to the order is also maintained. If the checkbox "use last version" is selected behind a document, all changes in the document will be taken into account until the time the order is started. By defining the amount, you specify how many reports must be created based on the identical document in the order.

Mandatory fields of orders

Optional fields of orders

The additional fields are used to record even more information.

  • Description

    This field is a text-only field to describe the order in more detail. It allows to carry any meta information with an order.

  • Priority

    For the priority you can choose between very low, low, normal, high and very high. This in turn serves as a filter criterion in the tabular overview.

  • Completion mode

    In the completion mode field, you can choose between automatic and manual completion. Automatic completion is preselected as the default setting, so that when all reports are completed, the order is automatically closed. If you prefer to complete the order manually by yourself, select manual.

  • Assigned user and assignment mode

    A order that has been fixed assigned to a user in the assignment mode can only be started by this person. It can only be taken over by another person, after the order has been started. For this purpose, a fixed user must be selected and a user must be entered in the assigned user field.

  • Additional information

    This allows you to add notes to your orders, e.g. to transfer important information to the employees of the other shift in case of a shift change. The additional information can also be displayed and searched in the overview table of the orders by inserting the column.

  • Structure classes

    Under this item you can make an assignment of your structure classes.

Edit orders

You can add or remove new documents or reports to orders that have already been started and are not yet completed at any time.

If, for example, a report was created independently of the current order and is now to be integrated into a current order, you can add it afterwards. The report can be in any status. This can also be a report that has already been completed.
Additional documents can also be added to an order. To do this, first select an existing document and in the next step add it to the order via clicking the + button below.

If you want to remove a report from a running order, select the function remove via clicking on the menu button in the upper right corner of the right sidebar after selecting a report. Then decide whether the report should be detached and continue separately or whether it should be detached and archived.

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