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Changelog 7.17 - Sidebar Salat
Changelog 7.17 - Sidebar Salat

Easier and cleaner with a new sidebar and creator, traceable interaction with tags for interactions, in-app support with the messenger

Stefan Philipp avatar
Written by Stefan Philipp
Updated over 2 years ago

Back from holidays. Let´s have a refreshing look into cioplenu.

Well, it will look different from last time - again. We are very proud to finally switch the complete application to the new design style with the sidebar and creator.

More space and less distraction.

Please provide us your feedback - we are looking forward to it!

Added - Long awaited and finally available

More space - all in one place to your left - the new sidebar

With the sidebar we introduce the maybe most remarkable design item in our new interface for the Editor (lighter blue) and the Assistant (darker blue).

the new sidebar in assistant and editor

Our focus for the re-design was more workspace, a clearer structure and thus a faster and more consistent navigation in Assistant and Editor.

Data center, platform settings and your system settings can be found behind the grid menu icon under system settings.

Assistant - System settings, assistant and editor switcher as well application language switcher

Changing from Assistant to Editor is also located here as well as the application language.


Analyze and filter specific interactions - tagged interactions

One of the most powerful features coming up with this version are the tagged interactions.

First create a tag (in the system settings under tags) for a specific interaction type which you want to track.

creation of interaction tags for different interaction types

Second add this tag to the desired interaction in the document. This interaction will now be tagged within the report and also platform wide.

One option to use these tags is, to track and trace components with their serial numbers for assembly use cases.

example of interaction tag for serial number interaction

To analyze and track your components and parts in production and assembly, select the desired tag in the report table column. Now you can identify which sub-assembly serial numbers was installed in which assembly.

report view with tagged interaction shown in column

Another area of application is the quantitative or qualitative tracking and monitoring as well as analyzing of a specific sensor data point or user input.

Please contact our success team for further consulting as well for best practices.


Better service and support in-app via our knowledge base and messenger

So far only available on our website, we now launched the first step connecting our software with our customer support and service software.

knowledge base and support messenger

If you need help click the grid symbol and get in contact with our support team immediately in-app with the messenger.

Already started and old conversations can be found here as well on one place.

Besides that you have full access to your growing knowledge base.

This all while you are using the software!

Be curious about what to come soon...

Changed - improved function

Create documents even faster - improvements in the Editor Creator

We won´t stand still until we reached an easier way to create documents.

The full screen width creator view provides more space to build a document - especially on smaller screens.

The adding of interactions, process steps and pop-up safety notification is now managed centrally in the upper right document area with one simple icon bar.

clean up and new style for the editor creator copy - insert process steps, interactions, safety notifications

The step list was equipped with a clearer overview and modular documents (nested documents) are now better identifiable.

clean up and new style for the editor creator copy - nested documents

Besides, adding steps and modules become focused with only one button and context menu. Choose the desired step type and fill it with life.

add a new step context menu

Closing and publishing a document can be found in the upper right screen, where also advanced settings like the preview is hidden behind the advanced contextual menu. This reduces distraction and makes the handling even easier for non-trained Editor users.

clean up and new style for the editor creator - close and publish

Assistant: Parking renamed to Reports - find ongoing and completed reports

The Parking section in the Assistant was renamed to Reports as the content is identical. Find your ongoing, not yet started or already finished reports in this section.

Reports in the Assistant with adjust of columns

By using the adjust columns function you can modify your view for further information regarding orders, interaction tags or detailed progress information.


Analyze your reports with the analytics module

The fast track from report to analysis allows you immediately analyze this report group without analytics module. Find out how your document and asset performs over time and what are the common errors and lessons learnt.

Analyze the report in the report section

Fixed - fixed functional impairments

  • inconsistencies in time formats in the report view

  • Image-Editor: scale markers are not shown in the near area around the image especially for small images

  • filter stays active after filter was deleted

  • report with mandatory signatures cannot be finished

  • filter missing in global media / material view for documents

  • application language switcher and profile setup for small mobile devices not shown properly

  • PDF image quality low - image quality and resolution were increased

  • email, first name and last name synced with MS Azure when a user logs in automatically

Removed - Features that have been removed

Fixed standard roles vanish for the future

For future versions the predefined standard roles will no longer be available instead setup your individual roles.

What does this mean? - Nothing really for you.

The ASSISTANT_USER, EDITOR_USER and SUPERVISOR won´t show in the role overview anymore.

recent standard roles in the roles section

For all customers still using the standard roles - they will stay the same and if you feel to adjust the permissions and feature set just switch to another role set.

If you got questions, please contact our support team.

Your advantage: more customization, change of feature set anytime

Coming up soon

All in one - unifying the editor and assistant into one URL

For an ease usage, we unify the URLs to one. No need to pre-tag editor and assistant anymore in the URL.

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