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FAQ for version update 9.0
Simon Seher avatar
Written by Simon Seher
Updated over 9 months ago

Where can I find the Assistant/Editor view?

With version 9.0, both views have finally been merged to enable even better and easier handling. You can find more information about this change in our changelog article.

As an “assistant user” (worker), where I can start to work with the reports?

By merging the two views (Assistant and Editor), the documents for the worker can now be found under “Report -> Start report”.

Do my former “assistant filters” no longer have any effect?

With version 9.0, only the Editor filter for structure classes is applied to users. The Assistant filter is currently still visible to allow you to see and adjust any differences between the Editor and Assistant filters. For users who only have an Assistant filter but no Editor filter, we have already done this automatically. The Assistant filter will be removed in a later update.

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