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Editing & managing of orders
Simon Seher avatar
Written by Simon Seher
Updated over 7 months ago

How can I remove a created order?

Orders that have been created can also be deleted again. The only condition that must be met is that the order has the status “Canceled” or “Completed”.

So if you have an order in the current status “Paused”, “In progress” or “Problem”, you must first open the order in question and click on the icon with the three dots (to the left of the “Close” button) and select the corresponding status.

remove created order

You can now select the symbol with the three dots in the line of the relevant order in the table overview and select the “Archive” option. Your order is now removed from the list and is archived.

archive order

Can I resume or continue a “canceled” order?

This function is not offered due to audit security reasons. An order that has been set to “Canceled” status remains in this status permanently.

However, you can achieve the same goal of order resumption via a workaround.

Switch to the “Orders” area and find the order that was originally canceled and select the “Duplicate” option in the order line using the three dots icon (right).

Now open the order and you will see a list of all documents (no reports yet!) that were assigned to the original order. The order now only needs to be “published” at the top right and is then available for execution.

If you want to reconstruct the order completely or partially, i.e. the reports that have already been processed should also be part of the new order, then proceed as follows!

Adding reports to an order retrospectively

First look for the order number (ID) of the canceled order under the “Orders” menu item. (See screenshot, you may need to show the “ID” column first).

All reports associated with this order are then displayed. Make a note of the relevant IDs (report IDs).

Switch back to the order overview and open the newly created order. Here you can activate the “Add report” function by clicking on one of the documents already attached. Click on this button, search for the relevant report(s) using the saved report IDs and add the report(s) to the order.

Of course, you can now also remove documents from the order if they are superfluous. With a final click on “Publish” (top right) you have completed the reconstruction.

Please note that this solution can be described as a workaround and that any connected automations may not work properly in this case.

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